How To Care For Low Density & Fine Curly Hair

When categorizing curl types, “fine” refers to the width or circumference of each individual strand - not the overall density or amount of hairs on your head. Those with fine locks have delicate strands more narrow in width compared to average. Thick or coarse hair has strands visibly more...

My Hair is Naturally Curly But Won’t Curl Anymore

You spent ample time intricately curling every hair section, only to watch your bouncy ringlets fall flat shortly after. So why did that perfect curl shape fail to stick around? Read on to troubleshoot the common causes of temporary to stubborn straight hair that refuses to stay curled. With the...

Hair Gloss vs. Hair Glaze: Which One Is Right For Me?

What precisely does a hair glaze treatment entail ? A hair glaze involves thoroughly coating the hair cuticle with a glossing polymer formula to smooth over porous areas and fill in micro-gaps caused by damage. This smoothing action enhances light reflection for dramatically increased shine,...