Getting Rid of Cigarette Smoke Smell in Hair

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Getting Rid of Cigarette Smoke Smell in Hair

After spending time in smoky environments, you may find yourself going home with hair and clothes that seem to have absorbed that unpleasant cigarette smell. Getting cigarette smoke to fully come out of hair can be challenging, as the odor can really cling to strands and follicles. However, with the right cleansing methods and products, you can effectively tackle smoke odors in hair.

Assess The Smoke Smell In Your Hair

Start by taking a whiff of different areas of your hair to detect where the smell is coming from and how strong it is. Smoke may concentrate more in certain spots, like the ends, top layers, etc. Also note if the smell lingers after washing normally. Getting a sense of the intensity and distribution of the odor will help inform treatment methods. The quicker you can treat hair after smoke exposure, the better.

Getting Rid of Cigarette Smoke Smell in Hair插图

Pre-Treat With Baking Soda

For significant lingering odors in hair, use baking soda as an odor-fighting pre-shampoo. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1-2 cups warm water until dissolved. Liberally work the solution into smelly hair, massaging it into the strands and scalp. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes so the baking soda can help lift odor from hair follicles. Then rinse thoroughly with cool water. This will prepare hair for soap- and vinegar-based cleaning.

Lather Up With Clarifying Shampoo

Now it’s time to break out a clarifying shampoo, which uses surfactants to deep clean buildup from hair. Work a dime-sized dollop into hands to form a nice lather, then massage thoroughly over and into hair and the scalp, focusing on the stinky areas. The friction and soap help loosen contaminants for rinsing. Let the shampoo sit a few minutes before rinsing with cool water. Repeat if necessary for stubborn smells.

Follow With An Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse Apple cider vinegar makes a wonderfully effective odor removal rinse for hair due to its acetic acid content. Prep aSmoke-tinted hair benefits hugely from its disinfecting and deodorizing abilities. Mix 1 part vinegar to 1 part water and thoroughly work the solution into the lengths of hair after shampooing. Wait 1-2 minutes before rinsing out. The vinegar smell fades as hair dries. Use white vinegar if apple cider is unavailable.

Dry With Cold Air

After smoke-cleansing washes, avoid heat styling tools until hair fully dries, as heat can seal odors into strands. Let hair air dry naturally instead. If you must use a hair dryer, only use the cool setting. Cold air flow dries hair effectively without locking smells in place. Also keep hair flowing freely down as you dry instead of bunching damp strands close together.

Boost With Leave-In Treatments Leave-in conditioning treatments add extra odor-fighting benefits by keeping hair clean and residue-free between washes. Choose lightweight leave-ins with antioxidants ingredients that further help neutralize stubborn smoke smells. Apply from mid-lengths down right after washing when hair is still damp. Reapply leave-in conditioners daily before restyling hair.

Mask Odors With Essential Oils For occasional smoke exposure, skip extensive washes and deep treat hair with essential oils instead. Their natural fragrant compounds overlay smoke smells. Oils like lemon, peppermint, orange and tea tree work well. Mix a few teaspoons of your chosen oil into a couple ounces of water or unscented conditioner. Work the solution into hair, let sit 5 minutes, then rinse out. Style as usual.

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Know Your Hair May Need Multiple Treatments

Eliminating cigarette odor buildup from within hair often requires repeat washes over time, especially for thick or long hair. The smell may fade but then resurface again later as strands get damp or warm. Be diligent and treat hair with a full odor-removal wash routine at least once a week until the unwanted smell fully dissipates. With consistency, even severe smoke odors in hair can disappear eventually.

The Right Products And Diligence Defeat Smoke Hair

While frustrating to deal with, smoke smells in hair are no match for the deep-cleaning power of clarifying shampoos, deodorizing vinegar rinses and odor-trapping essential oils. Keep treating strands with these key products using cold air drying until unwanted odors are just a distant memory. With the proper hair care strategy, you can fresh scent quickly return to locks affected by stubborn cigarette fumes.

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