Tips on How To Make Synthetic Hair Soft

Tips on How To Make Synthetic Hair Soft缩略图

What Causes Synthetic Hair Dry?

Here are some of the main causes of synthetic hair becoming dry and tangled over time:

  1. Friction Damage: Repeated brushing, styling, sleeping on, and handling of synthetic hair can cause fibers to fray and split leading to tangles and dryness. The friction breaks down the smooth cuticle layer, causing hair to get caught and knotted.
  2. Heat Styling: Exposure to high temperatures from blow dryers, curling irons, straighteners, and other hot tools causes synthetic strands to lose moisture, become brittle and dry. The intense heat essentially “fries” the hair.
  3. UV Rays: Sun exposure can degrade the synthetic hair fibers, causing discoloration and dryness. Synthetic hair lacks the natural oils and pigments of real hair for protection.
  4. Hard Water/Chlorine: Chemicals and minerals found in tap water can attach to the synthetic hair strands, leaving behind mineral deposits that dull the hair and roughen the texture over repeated exposure and washing.


How to Restore Softness to Synthetic Hair Extensions

Synthetic hair extensions offer an affordable and low maintenance alternative for achieving fuller, longer locks. However, over time these faux fibers can lose their soft, silky texture and become dry and tangled. If your synthetic strands are feeling past their prime, don’t despair – with a little TLC you can restore a soft, bouncy look and feel.

Follow these simple tips and tricks to turn harsh, matted synthetic tresses back into shiny, touchable hair.

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Assess Hair Health

Before attempting to revive limp synthetic hair, assess the current condition. Check for areas that are badly tangled or matted first and work to gently detangle these knots with a wide-tooth comb, brush, or your fingers. Avoid excessive pulling or friction, which could worsen knots or cause the hair to shed.

Examine the length of the hair as you comb to check for considerable shedding of fibers that may indicate extensive damage. Run your hands along the hair as well checking for areas that feel dry, stiff or crispy – these overly porous areas won’t hold moisture well.

If the hair loss and tangling is severe or you find brittle sections that break easily, the synthetic fibers may be too far gone for revitalization. On the other hand, if the damage seems relatively minimal overall, some reconditioning should restore softness and shine.

Remove Buildup

One of the biggest culprits behind rough, dull synthetic strands is product buildup. Haircare products, oils, and styling products – while often beneficial for real hair – can leave behind a stiff, glue-like residue on synthetic fibers that hardens over time. Removing this buildup is key to allowing the strands to regain their silky texture.

Fill a sink or basin with lukewarm water and add a small amount of clarifying shampoo. Only use a gentle shampoo without sulfates or salt to avoid stripping the hair fibers. Allow the extensions to soak for 5-10 minutes so the soap can begin breaking down residue, stirring gently.

Next, thoroughly rinse away all traces of shampoo then follow up with a wash using cool, plain water. Gently work your fingers through the hair as you rinse to rub away any remaining dirt or buildup still clinging to the strands.

Lay flat on a towel and blot gently to soak up excess moisture. Never rub or twist synthetic hair to dry as this can tangle it. Let air dry completely before attempting to detangle or style. Detangling wet synthetic hair nearly always results in breakage.

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Hydrate Thoroughly

Once clean and buildup-free most synthetic hair will regain some softness, though the fibers still require hydration and nourishing for best results.

Look for spray-on conditioning products specifically formulated for synthetic wigs and extensions. Avoid creams or oils which tend to be too heavy. Spray liberally throughout clean, fully dried hair until the strands are saturated then let sit for 20 minutes or more for maximum penetration.

For added softness, look for leave-in treatments with amino acids like argan oil or organic silicones. Dietary supplements in the form of oils or serums can also improve the feel of synthetic hair and offset stiffness.

Style Gently

Rough handling and excess heat from hot tools are the enemies of supple faux locks. Establish a gentle styling regime going forward focused on protecting and preserving softness.

Always detangle synthetic hair patiently by hand before brushing and avoid excessive force. When brushing, spray on detangler and use a soft-bristle, flexible brush moving slowly from the ends up to prevent breakage.

Minimize use of hot styling tools that can boil away moisture from synthetic fibers causing them to become brittle. Air drying, low powered dryers on a cool setting, and low heat tools will extend the life of your extensions.

When sleeping or storing, gently arrange hair in a loose braid or ponytail to prevent tangles and friction damage. Tie ends with soft scrunchies free of metal or rough embellishments. Always handle synthetic hair gently keeping movement to a minimum while styling, brushing, and handling to prevent friction damage.

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Know When To Retire Extensions

With repeated conditioning and gentle handling, most synthetic extensions can regain a soft, natural texture and last 6 months to a year. However over time the bonds holding strands together weaken. Excessive dullness, tangling, and breakage indicate aging fibers.

If your extensions become impossible to detangle without excessive shedding, or sections feel crispy and warped from repeated heat exposure, retirement time has come. Damaged synthetic hair won’t hold up to reconditioning, and attempts to resuscitate can cause more harm. Letting go allows for a fresh start with brand new soft, shiny synthetic or human hair extensions.

Consider going shorter or smaller with your next set to encourage longevity and make the investment last. And be sure to establish a gentle wash, condition, and styling regime this time around to maintain softness from day one.

With proper care, synthetic hair can maintain a beautiful, touchable texture for extended wear. But neglect can quickly rob strands of their sensual feel. By learning to nourish, protect and handle gently, your faux follicles will swing back with satisfying softness.

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